Hi! I am Heather Box and I am the co-founder of the Million Person Project and one of the teachers in this course. (That is me on the right. That is Julian on the left, the co-founder of the Million Person Project, and my partner. And that's our baby Roman in the middle, holding our second baby, our book!)
In my twenties, I was such a passionate social justice activist. I had the opportunity to speak a lot at rallies and community meetings and more. But it was a disaster for me because I ALWAYS got really choked up and felt terrible after I shared. I was overcome with emotion every time and I just felt like everyone thought I was weird.
I never stopped to give myself the time or space to really consider my story or craft my narrative. I never did the work to consider my WHY. I just shared other people’s stories and tried to be really supportive and enthusiastic.
Then!! Two amazing mentors came into my life. Marshall Ganz and Van Jones. These two incredible humans shared wisdom with me that would change me forever. Marshall shared with me that until you understand your personal story and values and what it is that is truly driving you, you won’t be able to connect with your audience authentically. And Van Jones gave me permission to change the way I saw myself. He said, "Who cares that you cry and get nervous?" How about if I changed the way I viewed my nervousness? He said, “What if you saw your butterflies and sweaty palms as a sign of your body getting ready to do something important?”
These two things got me to STOP and really do some deep personal work and dive in and ask myself some important questions: why was I walking the life path I was walking, what was it that I believed in most and why was that important to me?
My mentors' wisdom, guidance and encouragement helped me be able to powerfully present on stages across the world and it is what underpins our work at the Million Person Project. It was also this work that helped me to have the confidence and clarity to write a best-selling book on this very subject.
But here's the thing. The stages and the book came from the CLARITY on my story. There is no shortcut there. You need to fully understand your story and be able to articulate your deepest held values in a powerful and compelling way and THEN you can start building talks and writing books.
(This story work has also been SO, SO important to me and Julian as a team because we deeply understand what is driving each other and where our values are aligned and where our values are distinct! Story work is such important work for teams to do together.)